SpeakHer™ Series Outcomes
Dr. Samone’s SpeakHer™ Series audience will discover that as a SpeakHer participant they can serve as a catalyst for change for individuals and organizations.
Dr. Samone’s SpeakerHer™ Series audience will discover that as a SpeakHer participant everyone has a meaningful message that they can share with individuals and organizations.
Dr. Samone’s SpeakHer™ Series audience will discover that as a SpeakHer participant they can be equipped to be a part of a master plan (equipping others to identify their own gifts/talents/passions) for individuals and organizations.

A Tough Time
I will never forget being at one of the lowest places in my life 10 years ago. My nineteen years of marriage had just come to an end. As a single mother, I had two young children to raise; and after paying rent and tuition for graduate school, I only had 7 dollars to my name.
Joy Comes in the Morning
Yes, only 7 dollars. I vividly remember sitting at a very popular Chinese restaurant chain, with a friend. We both bowed our heads and I prayed. “God please increase my territory! Please make me a lender and not a borrower!” Fast forward! My life has never been the same!
Beauty for Ashes
I have been given beauty for my ashes! Yes, I am a believer that my life has changed, now I want to share my stories from doubt and fear, to triumph and elation with others! My hope is that as a SpeakHer™ I will be able to InspireHer™!
Fast Forward
Transitioning from educator, to author, to SpeakHer™, to iPublishHer™, to Movie ProducHer™, has been an amazing journey!