SpeakHer™ Series Outcomes
Dr. Samone’s SpeakHer™ Series audience will discover that as a SpeakHer participant they can serve as a catalyst for change for individuals and organizations.
Dr. Samone’s SpeakerHer™ Series audience will discover that as a SpeakHer participant everyone has a meaningful message that they can share with individuals and organizations.
Dr. Samone’s SpeakHer™ Series audience will discover that as a SpeakHer participant they can be equipped to be a part of a master plan (equipping others to identify their own gifts/talents/passions) for individuals and organizations.

The Family Place empowers victims of family violence by providing safe housing, counseling and skills that create independence while building community engagement and advocating for social change to stop family violence.
In 1978 a group of community volunteers organized The Family Place as one of the first family violence shelters in the state. Today The Family Place is the largest family violence service provider in North Texas, with three emergency shelters providing 177 shelter beds each night, including the state’s only shelter for men and children.
We served 13,016 clients with 169,672 hours of service last year alone. Over the past 41 years, we have counseled more than 216,500 clients, provided lifesaving shelter to more than 25,000 women, men and children, and answered more than 615,000 calls for help.
We have helped more than 19,000 batterers learn how to change their abusive behavior and reach approximately 6,500 students each year through our youth education programs. All of our programs are provided in Spanish and in English.